ESCC#4全称:The 4th Elasticsearch China Conference, 是由elasticsearch中文社区每年定期举办的线下交流活动,今年已经是第四届了,会议围绕elasticsearch及周边产品和技术,如:kibana\logstash\beats\logging\nlp等相关领域及话题都可以进行讨论,只要是你认为可能会感兴趣的话题,都可以提交过来,分享嘉宾来自国内一线互联网公司,倡导干货接地气纯粹的技术交流.
日期 | 时间 | 日程安排 |
10月25日 周日 |
09:10-9:40 | 入场报到 |
9:40-9:50 | 大会介绍 | |
09:50-10:40 | Igor Motov, Elastic 《What's new in Elasticsearch 2.0》 | |
10:40-11:25 | Shaunak, Elastic 《Logstash, what's cooking?》 | |
11:30-12:15 | 虞冰, 蛋壳公寓 《打造以ES为核心的系统》 | |
12:15-12:25 | 合影 | |
12:25-14:15 | 午餐 | |
14:30-15:15 | 饶琛琳, 新浪微博 《{{more}} Kibana 4》 | |
15:30-16:15 | 吴晓刚, 携程旅行网 《高吞吐ELK实践》 | |
16:15-16:45 | 茶歇 | |
16:45-17:30 | Medcl, Elastic 《Get started with Beats》 | |
17:30-18:00 | 闪电演讲 | |
18:00- ~~ | 大会结束, 自由交流 |
Igor Motov is a software developer on the Elasticsearch core team based out of the Boston area where he also serves as a co-organizer of the Boston Elasticsearch Meetup Group. Prior to joining Elastic, Igor worked on search solutions for companies ranging from small startups to large corporations.
Shaunak Kashyap has been working as a backend developer in the Internet software industry for over a decade. Some of his more interesting past gigs include building a poker search and analytics engine; a system for tracking and analyzing the jail population in Louisville, Kentucky; and ground software to command and control earth-imaging satellites. Today, Shaunak works as a Developer Advocate at Elastic, the makers of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana.
携程旅行网系统研发总监,负责网站运维监控与自动化工具的研发。15年通讯与IT行业从业经历, 曾主要供职于Strategic Systems Solutions、eBay、Morgan Stanley等跨国企业,在软件研发与集成, 大规模分布式系统技术支持方面有比较丰富的经验。目前感兴趣的研究方向是如何将大数据分析技术有效用于网站监控。